Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Earn at Triond even when you're offline away from the Computer

  All the writers, including me has joined Triond in order to earn money by the articles written and published. We write and publish articles and get paid accordingly to the views we get in our articles. We the writers spend a long time researching, writing, publishing and then promoting our articles so that it received traffic and get more earnings. But you may have realized that sometimes when we are offline from the use of Triond for a long time, our earnings slowly seem to decrease and may also reach a level the earnings seem worthless.

        I suppose, most of my fellow writers have witnessed this as its not probable that we spend all the time of the year writing and working for Triond as we need some time too for rest, for a holiday or time to do some other important works. That time, our earnings decrease and I guess, nobody want their earning to decrease.
     I would like to share some important information with my fellow Triond writers that will enable them to earn even when they are not online and remain offline from the internet.

Do Not Only Rely on the views from the Hot Contents - We write and publish our articles with catchy headlines and topics so as to receive more views and comments. When our articles get listed in the hot content list, we receive got number of traffic and views and earn from it. After sometime, the articles do not appear in the hot content list and the views in the article is lowered so is the earnings. So do not only rely on hot content list if you want to earn more always and constantly as traffic from the hot content list is temporary.
Search Engines Provides a Constant Traffic - If you want to earn money constantly, rely on views from the search engines like google. When one writes an articles and the article is searched, he gets traffic. If the articles is well Search Engine Optimized and is being search constantly, the article will constantly receive traffic even when the writer is offline and not writing and publishing articles.

Write on EVERGREEN TOPICS - Write articles on Evergreen Topics. Evergreen topics here I mean, the topics that never get old or the topics that are searched every time and never get lost with time. One may write an article on an event or a news, for example, The Football Worldcup 2010. The article may have had got good number of traffic during the time when the event took place but it will surely not get search after the event is passed. So I recommend my fellow writers to write on topics which is always searched. My article I wrote on The Largest Spiders in the World is receiving constant traffic since months as it is a topic of interesting fact, rare and subject that will not be worthless even after years the article is published.

Your article should be Worth Reading - Writing qualitative articles is very important. One must not feel your article worthless or stupid after reading. He should appreciate it and find the article useful for the information provided.

Write More, More and More -  Quality is must. Quantity is also must. Quality and quantity goes hand to hand. More you write, you'll have more articles that would be searched and hence you have more potential of views  to receive. When you're offline, you may still receive traffic and earn more.

I suppose my article with experience at triond has provided some information that would prove useful my fellow writers. I wish all my writers a very best of luck for their journey at Triond and wish everyone benefits by this article. Any doubts or comments, do comment below.

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