Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bug Me – Download Anything from Anywhere without Signing Up

You wish to download contents from the internet but you’ve got to register in the website to Download Stuff? Well, using, you do not need to register t any sites to download stuffs.

You know how frustrating it is when you come across sites that require you to register even to browse through them. And what about downloading stuff? Sure, many sites don’t require you to register, but think of sites like There you are, intending to download the Adobe CS3 trial from Adobe’s Web site. Go ahead, register! Spend five boring minutes! And all for nothing in return, and we’re not even talking about un-checking all the newsletter subscription boxes.

Worse are sites that show up on Google and you find you need to subscribe. Say you want to read through the Times Of India e-newspaper, and there’s again a daunting registration process. Then there are some
questionable sites where you just don’t want to give away personal information. Or even make up stuff… because your imagination just isn’t working as you’re waiting to see the page! You’re probably now just as
frustrated with this rant. offers respite. Just type in a Web site address in the text box at, and you’ll see a list of usernames and passwords, along with the success rates for each of them. You can actually use these and login to the site you want to go to, and voila—no need to register!

Bugmenot has accounts for about 1,50,000 sites. You too can do your bit for by registering using a non-personalised username and password and added it to the site for someone else to use. Bugmenot
also provides instant, disposable e-mail addresses when one requires an instant address to receive at least
one mail from a site (read registration responses). This keeps spammers at bay. E-mails gotten from Bugmenot stay for 24 hours. Just think of a name and address and send it to Bugmenot. For example, dontbugme@

To access this account, you just type in the address you gave, and click
“Read e-mail” at! Incredibly useful, no?

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