Friday, March 4, 2011

7 Tips to Increase Traffic to your Blog with Digg

 You've just published a blog post or an online article, just there isn't much people who to view them and your dreams of getting lots of traffic is shattered? Well, there are thousands of viewers who are there to view your blogs and articles at Digg, but you should no how to attract those traffic from Digg to your blog. So, in this article I will teach you how to get the maximum traffic from Digg to your blogs, which may be very helpful to everyone who need it.
           Firstly, you should know that Digg is a website which is not made to promoted your own websites and contents, but to digg websites and contents from variety of websites and blogs that you come across, all across the web that maybe interesting, informative and useful. I am an active Digger with the name Nischalg(Mr Arrogant) so you can take a look at my profile and follow me at Digg
Therefore, to help my fellow readers to get maximum traffic and views with Digg, I have sumed up few points as tips to use at Digg:

1. Firstly, do not submit only your own articles and blog posts. Digg is not a website for your own website promotion but where you submit interesting articles from across the web, therefore, make your submissions at Digg diverse with variety, else you maybe held for being a spammer and your Digg account may get cancelled. I recommend Digg users to Digg interesting and attractive articles and websites you come across, submiting a variety of posts, and not just yours. Submitting and digging about 20 contents which is not yours, and then your content, would be a good ratio to let the work to move on smoothly in Digg, making a ratio of 20:1.

2. The Title and the Description of your submissions really matter at Digg. It is the title of your blog or article that attracts the other users at Digg when you submit it in Digg. Therefore, it is recommended to create attractive titles for your blog posts, that attracts the readers attention. Titles which is based on lists like Best 10, or top 10 are likely to get read as people prefer more to read lists and countdowns. Secondly, give a proper description for your submissions so that those reading it will be compelled to open your article and read it.

3. Be Active at Digg. Being active at digg is very important and you should use Digg as frequently as possible. Do not be idle at Digg and leave your Digg account unused for more than a weak. 

   4. Follow Others and Create Networks - Follow other Digg users who have interesting submissions and follow more and more Digg users and they too are more likely to follow you. Even Digg their submissions that you may find interesting and they too may probably Digg your Diggs that maybe interesting and worth Digging.

   5. Submit Quality Contents - Submit your Diggs at Digg that maybe attractive, informative, funny or humorous as these topics are mostly likely to drive people's attention and work more at Digg. Do not submit contents that are not of much importance or not based on proper quality.

   6. It is also equally important for you to submit your contents at Digg to the right category in which your submission belongs too. There are various categories at Digg like Business, World News, Science, Offbeat, Entertainment etc, so be sure you submit it at the right place.

  7. Don't Give Up - You should always maintain this momentum of working at this rate at Digg. If you go on using these tips at Digg, you'll surely get featured at the Digg frontpage making a heavy inflow of traffic to your blogs and articles. 

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